November2, 2017

Valley Forge

								<p>By Edwin Austin Abbey (1852-1911) [Public domain], <a href=via Wikimedia Commons

Baron Von Steuben drilling troops at Valley Forge by Edwin Austin Abbey (1852-1911) Public Domain

Edmund Edwards

Edmund Edwards was born in 1754 in Halifax, Virginia. His parents were Thomas and Lucy Edwards. When he was 23 he joined the 15th Virginia Regiment to fight in the American Revolution. He was a fifer. The 15th Virginia Regiment was authorized by the Virginia General Assembly in October of 1776. It was raised in the last two months of 1776 in eastern, Virginia, for service with the Continental Army. The Battle of Brandywine, The Battle of Germantown, The Battle of Monmouth and the Siege of Charleston was where the regiment would see action. The regiment was formally disbanded on November 15, 1783.

The following information is taken from Payroll records of Edmund Edwards